Saturday, May 11, 2013

Sweet butter mask ...

 This mask so powerful for sensitive skin, I been using this mask for two years thanks grandma my skin looks shiny and soft ...

one tablespoon unsalted butter
one teaspoon oats
one tablespoon plain yogurt

Butter is an outstanding source of vitamin A. And, since vitamin A helps to revive skin’s texture and accelerate blood flow to collagen fibers found deep within the skin, it’s excellent for eliminating wrinkles and fine lines.


Cut off a tablespoon from a stick of unsalted butter and let it acclimate to room temperature. Once the butter is soft, add in a small amount of rolled porridge oats and a tablespoon of creamy plain yogurt. Mix the ingredients well until they are just smooth enough to apply to your face easily. The combination has a cool and calming effect.

Use it once a week girl and see your face shiny ,smooth and no wrinkles by the way my skin is not sensitive it's oily but I still use this mask because the butter fridge never out of it lol.

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