Saturday, May 11, 2013

Dove Soap body whitening mask you should give it a try..

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 We always talking about ways to  whitening the skin , either the face or the body this is the most important things that are  women wants to know about, so decided to do a   research for beauty and I tried it myself. this mixture is  useful.
Dove mixture is  whitening and bleaching  makes  skin softer and very smooth .
- Dove Soap grated
- Half a cup of rose water
- 5 tablespoons Glycerin
-  three drops Lemon juice
- 5 tablespoons sweet almond oil
- Lotion any kind you love I used Victoria's secret divine lotion
- Soak soap in rose water throughout the night.
- Put the mixture with soap and rose water on the fire until it becomes creamy.
- Add the almond oil and glycerin and keep flipping.
- Put the soap mixture aside and add lotion
- Put the mixture in a glass case.
- spread the mixture on your body and leave it for about  4 hours.
- wash your body with wash cloth and hot water .
- Wash the the foam with lukewarm water.
- Dove mixture the more you used it the more your skin gets better and faster result.

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