Friday, May 24, 2013

Acne,scars ...don't worry ,this diy will help you...

This mask is  like a minor miracle, or a major one if you're obsessed with your skin like me. 

1 tbsp honey
1 tsp ground nutmeg—I used fresh one
1 tsp ground cinnamon


Mix all the above together until they form a chocolatey-colored paste. Put it in your face  but most on the area effected  from acne and scars. Let sit for about 30 minutes, then rinse off.. Just don't wear a white shirt while you're doing this, since it'll drip.You can use this mask three times   a week and for sure you will be happy with the results after two weeks..I tried it myself since I have sensitive skin and it works for me perfect ..try it girl and let me know how it works for you.


  1. please tell us Effective mask for deep acne scars look like Dent and Pit thnx

  2. it doesn't tell what the mask does

  3. The mask if for acne scars.

  4. Can I put it any wear else for scars
