Sunday, March 3, 2013

Dark Circles Under Eyes

Dark Circles Under Eyes

It is quite ordinary to have dark circles under the eyes (black or dark eye circles), but they are usually momentary and can be treated
Causes of Dark under eye circles
Dark Circles under eyes are normally due to a lack of sleep, fatigue, stress, shortage or some disease
Dark circles can be due to genetic factors
Nasal congestion may cause dark under eye circles
Chronic atopic eczema on skin may dark circles
Dark circles under eyes may be due to aging which thins the skin around the eyes
Eyelid swelling or eye puffiness can produce shadows creating light dark eye circles.
Home Remedies for Dark circles under Eyes
Drink at least ten glasses of water each day.
Take all safety measures to avoid strain on the eyes
Eight hours of sleep is a must for all of us, particularly for people having dark circles under their eyes
Do not leave cream on the skin around the eyes for long time. Eliminate the cream applied around the eye after 10 min. No cream must be left on the skin around the eyes for long periods
Close your eyes and cover eyelids with slices of raw potato or cucumber for 20-25 minutes. Wash with warm water and then apply a cream. This remedy is best Home Remedy for Dark circles under Eyes
Home Remedy for Dark circles under eyes: Create a 1:1 mixture of fresh potato and cucumber juices. Soak some cotton and put on your eyelids and stay for 20 minutes and then wash your eyes with cold water
Apply a mixture of lemon and tomato juice (equivalent parts) on the dark circles 2 times a day.
Home Remedy for Dark circles under eyes: Make a paste of turmeric powder with pineapple juice and apply it for dark circles under the eyes
Apply compressed mint around the eye
Home Remedy for Dark circles under eyes: Massage with almond oil under and around eyes at bed time daily for 2 weeks and see the development. Almond helps to get rid of dark circles, and is an excellent “skin food”. .
Home Remedy for Dark circles under eyes: Massage the area with a powdered Vitamin E capsule and wipe off with a mixture of honey and egg white
Put hot and cold clothes alternatively under eyes for 10-15 minutes. Then apply some almond oil on the dark area before going to bed

Puffiness of Eyes:
Elevate the head of your bed at night. This helps avoid fluids from accumulating around your eyes as you sleep.
Apply vitamin E or olive oil for puffiness.
Bind some potato grates in a cloth and put over eyes for about 15-20 minutes.
Place chilled cucumber slices or damp tea bags over eyes for about 20-25 minutes.
Apply a cool tap water squeeze to the skin under your eyes for about 15 minutes

1 comment:

  1. These are really great tips that not only will deminish under eye darkness but will improve the overall health of your skin too. I have found a list of the advantages of anti ageing creams here
